It is very odd to be writing this, I don’t think the reality will set in for a few days. After almost 12 years at The First American Corporation/CoreLogic, I will be moving on. When I came here, I was just a few years out of college and recently married to my junior high crush. While here, we have had two children, I finished my MBA and few IT certs, markets have gone up and down, towers have fallen and the world has changed. This has been a great home, where I found a lot of talented people to work with and some great mentors to help me along the way. While I am confident in my move, it wasn’t easy to walk away from the family I have built here.

The IT world is changing and I want to play a bigger role in what that new landscape will look like. I wanted to be somewhere that would enable me to make a difference, in a role that would allow me to be an evangelist for emerging technologies and to assist people in leveraging those technologies to improve their business. However, it was going to have to be the right opportunity to justify a move.

A few months ago, a friend of mine from the vExpert program was visiting town and we met for dinner. This topic came up, and things began to click. More discussions were had and an opportunity came up that was aligned perfectly with what I was looking for. I guess that I now owe Steve Kaplan (@roidude) a dinner.

I just left The First American Corporation/CoreLogic as a visitor for the first time since 1998, when I came here to interview. Tomorrow, I start as a Consulting Principal for INX. I am sure there will be some initial culture shock as I move from customer to Partner/VAR, but it is a ride that I am looking forward to. INX has been awarded Partner of the Year by both VMware and Cisco for two years in a row, and those are just a few of the many awards that INX has won. I am joining a great team, with a strong track record, and I cannot wait to see where the future is leading.

To my family at First American/CoreLogic, thank you for allowing me to be a part of the team, best wishes for the futures of both The First American Corporation and the newly formed CoreLogic. To my new colleagues at INX, let’s roll!